Perform Kata Beautifully, Execute Technique from the Heart - A Karate Dialogue between Nikichi Zaha and Kenji Ushiro -
(『空手談義 型は美しく技は心で ― 座波仁吉・宇城憲治 ― 座談録』の英語版です)
定価 本体2,800円+税
ISBN 978-4-910001-47-0
判型/分 A5判並製 176頁前後
発売日 2024年11月発売
The dialogue is comprised of six separate interviews which took place January, 1993; July, 1994; March, 2000; August 2001; October, 2001 and October, 2002. The first interview took place when Zaha Sensei was 78 years old and Mr. Ushiro was 44 years old. The last one occurred when Zaha Sensei was 88 years old and Mr. Ushiro was 53 years old. Over nearly a decade, they shared their passionate thoughts on karate, resulting in the valuable historical record contained in this book.